In this work, a software for design, simulation and evaluation of road systems is developed using the Unity3D game engine. The user via the design tool creates map files that define a road system, which are then imported into the simulation tool so as to examine the traffic progression in real-time, with the help of statistics visualization implemented in HLSL shaders. The design tool includes a graphical user interface (GUI) with operations for image importing, design of cubic Bézier curves and lane definition. The simulation implements a microscopic traffic model, with behaviours such as path following and yielding. Vehicle physics are also seriously considered for more realistic vehicle behaviour and for extraction of fuel consumption data. Utizing the built-in PhysX physics engine, we adjust spring-damper models for the suspension as well as a slip model for the tire physics. The engine and transmission (powertrain) are also simulated with a model based on clutch engage, torque transfer and moment of inertia.
Keywords: Traffic simulation, vehicle simulation, urban planning, fuel economy, visual analytics
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